Small Scotland are committed to promoting and supporting small, local businesses across Scotland on their social media platforms.

The Brief
To create a simple, clean logo, primarily for use on social media, taking some inspiration from Scottish themes.

The Result
The combination of a stags antlers and location pin, using a Scottish theme that the client was looking for, and linking back to the small, local focus of the concept. 
High-contrast, single colour and easy to read text makes this logo stand out, and be versatile for a range of applications as the business grows.
Instagram Stories
They created story highlights on their Instagram profile to allow users to quickly identify small businesses local to them. To make this clearer, we created these story highlight covers, using the council area code as the preview, and when expanded, shows the full name of the region. 
This simple and effective style turns Instagram into a powerful tool for Small Scotland to promote their small businesses in an organised way.  
The Process
Small Scotland provided a clear idea of the kind of style that they had in mind, so several options were provided, all of which met their brief. The imagery that lead to the final product was the firm favourite, and after some small changes, they were happy with the result.